New Beginnings…and Starting Over

It’s been a while. It’s been a long while since I’ve done any cardio or worked out consistently. I’m getting back in the saddle and wanted you to join me on my journey to health and a whole food diet. I’m used to making things from scratch and like good food, but live in an area where foodie restaurants abound. It’s hard to turn down the invitations to meet for happy hour and really good foodie appetizers. But I’m determined. I won’t beat myself up if I fall off the wagon. I know it will be hard work, and I have to put one foot in front of the other, and just keep going. I will stay positive and I hope this blog will inspire others in their journey to better health and fitness as well. Feel free to comment and join in on the fun! I am by no means an expert in health and fitness, but I am a constant learner and hope to help and inspire others. Welcome to my blog!

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